
Car Transportation:

mountain-camp-transportation-carDrop off for campers on Monday is between 11am and 12:30pm. Pick up for campers on Saturday is between 1:30pm and 3:30pm. If using a GPS device and coming from the Bay Area, type in Ice House Lake and follow signs to Mountain Camp. If you’re driving to camp from the Tahoe area, there is a shortcut that you can use as long as the roads are clear – see below:

Directions from South Lake Tahoe: 

  • Head West towards Sacramento on Highway 50.
  • After passing Strawberry Lodge on Highway 50, proceed 4 miles and turn right onto Wright’s Road.
  • Follow Wright’s Road for 6 miles, then turn left – road name not posted but look out for a sign to Ice House Reservoir.
  • Proceed for 6 miles and Mountain Camp is on the left, although the sign is hard to see from that direction.
  • If you come to a “T” intersection you’ve gone half a block too far. Turn around and Mountain Camp will be on your right.

Directions from Sacramento:

  • From Sacramento, head East on Hwy. 50 past Placerville and Pollock Pines
  • 8 miles past the 2nd Pollock Pines exit (Sly Park Rd.) you will cross a bridge above the South Fork of the American River
  • Immediately after you cross the bridge, turn left onto Ice House Road
  • Drive .7 miles and follow the sharp curve in the road to the right (do not go straight)
  • From this curve, proceed 8.5 miles on Ice House Road. At this point you will see Ice House Resort on the right
  • Continue on Ice House Road for 1.5 miles and turn right immediately after the sign that reads: “Ice House C.G.” and “Mountain Camp”
  • Continue 1.2 miles to a four-way intersection and take the left fork towards Wright’s Lake and Mountain Camp
  • After 1.7 miles take a left at the intersection marked by a sign says “Wright’s Lake – 9 miles” and “Mountain Camp”
  • This sign is the corner of the Mountain Camp property, the camp entrance is on the right 100 yards after turning left at this corner

To map your way to camp, click here.

Click here for a map to camp.

Bus Transportation:

mountain-camp-transportation-busBus transportation is offered to and from camp with stops in Lafayette, Larkspur and Palo Alto. Bus transportation costs $125 each way and can be arranged by completing the transportation form in your camper’s account. Snacks are provided but please make sure your camper has a full water bottle and has eaten breakfast. Additionally, buses have bathrooms and seatbelts.

The bus is the beginning of the camper experience, and because of this, the ride to and from camp is a phone-free experience. Our bus staff all have phones and are in constant communication with the Mountain Camp office and families will receive an email when the bus arrives to camp.

If the bus home from camp is running early or late, Mountain Camp will text families to let them know the estimated arrival time.

  • Bus Times TO CAMP 
    • Departs Larkspur at 7:45am from TBD
    • Departs Palo Alto at 8:00am from TBD
    • Departs Lafayette at 9:00am from TBD
  • Bus Times FROM CAMP 
    • Arrives at Lafayette at 4:30pm to TBD
    • Arrives at Palo Alto at 5:00pm to TBD
    • Arrives at Larkspur at 5:30pm to TBD

While on the bus, campers must remain seated at all times with a seat belt on when the vehicle is in motion, keep their hands inside the vehicle, keep a low noise level as to show respect and not distract the bus driver and make sure that the exits are kept clear at all time. If the campers need anything or feel nauseous, they can call for our staff at any time, but should remain seated and let our staff come to them.

Airport Transportation:

mountain-camp-transportation-planeAirport transportation is offered from the Sacramento airport for campers flying to or from camp. Incoming flights should land in Sacramento between 8am-11am and outgoing flights should depart from Sacramento between 12:00pm-3:30pm. Please email [email protected] before booking flights if your camper will be needing a shuttle either to or from the Sacramento airport.

If your child is flying as an Unaccompanied Minor, please pay all Unaccompanied Minor fees with your airline and complete the required online forms for your airline. Please contact our office after May 1st for the name of the staff member who will meet your child at the airport and use the camp address and phone number: 100 Wrights Lake Road, Pollock Pines, CA 95726, 415-351-2267 for UM forms.

If your camper’s flight is delayed or cancelled on closing day, you will need to make arrangements to pick-up your child at the Sacramento airport. We are not able to provide overnight supervision on Saturday.