10 Things You Didn’t Know About Mountain Camp
1. The entire camp is powered by a propane generator that operates daily. We also have a backup generator.
2. Ice House Reservoir typically recedes 30 – 50 feet during the summer season.
3. The kitchen prepares over 1500 servings of food daily, that’s a lot of cornbread.
4. There are 3 dogs that live at camp. Rusty, Charlie, and Bo.
5. Our water comes from an underground well off site.
6. There are 2 babies at camp this summer! Sam and Eli.
7. Mountain Camp, Plantation Farm Camp, and Mountain Camp Woodside are all under common ownership.
8. Each member of the leadership team averages 14 summers of experience at Mountain Camp.
9. We will host over 2000 campers this summer.
10. If you have a birthday at camp, the entire camp sings a custom birthday song to you at dinner.