*Updated 6/30/2024*
The following guidelines have been established and reviewed in consultation with Placer County Department of Public Health and CDPH and CDC guidelines as of June 30, 2024. The following guidelines are subject to change and may be adjusted based on individual situations and Directors/Health Center staff discretion.
When to test
- Only test if patient has new, concerning, moderate-severe symptoms (fever and/or new/concerning headache, congestion, cough, myalgias, sore throat)
- We are not testing patients without symptoms and we are not testing on request
Positive tests
- Any positive tests, please notify Directors
- If camper tests positive
- Isolate camper (mask indoors, social distancing outdoors, sleep in isolation either in health center or tent adjacent to health center)
- Notify family to take camper out of camp, ideally within 24 hours
- if logistical problems, coordinate with Directors
- If staff test positive
- Isolation tent
Returning to camp after positive test
- Campers should spend two nights off campus in order to allow adequate time to rest and heal prior to returning to camp
- Campers and staff may return to program after no fever for 24 hours (without use of fever-reducing medication like Advil or Tylenol) and symptoms are mild and improving
- We are not retesting positive cases upon their return
- Upon return to camp, positive cases must sleep in a tent at their cabin or other isolation tent until Day 5 after their positive test (positive test is Day 0)
Close contacts
- We are not testing for close contacts, unless symptomatic (follow “When to test” section above)
We are committed to running a quality program that creates space for campers to connect socially and re-engage in community. We understand that this is an ever-changing situation and may make changes to our policies as needed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].